- Participate in mourning and honoring the spirits of all victims by offering flowers and lighting incense sticks and candles in accordance with Khmer tradition.
- Meditate to remember all of the victims and their spirits who had been murdered in the memorial area.
- បន្ធូរអារម្មណ៍តានតឹងដោយសំឡឹងមើលទស្សនីយភាព ផ្ទៃបឹងនៅក្នុងបរិវេណ
- Release stress by viewing scenery of the large paddy fields and lakes of the Mekong Region in the rainy season.
- Take photographs of the Memorial Charnel house and various special places around the site.
- Take photographs of the Memorial Charnel house at sunset.
- Take photographs (for memory) with Choeung Ek Genocidal Center’s staff.
- Shop for handicrafts, historical books etc in the small souvenir shop.