Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: What are your opening hours? We are open from 07:30 am until 05:30 pm 7days a week (include national holidays)Q: Do you accept cash?
Yes, we only accept cash for the moment.Q: Are kid allowed to visit?
Yes, we kindly ask to be their advisors at all times.Q: How much is the admission fee?
National Visitors - Free of Charge
International Visitor - 6 USD (Including audio tour)Q: Are Toulsleng (S21) Museum and Choeung EK Genocidal Center the same?
The two historical site (Toul Sleng Genocide Museum and Choeung Ek Genocidal Center) are intrinsically linked to each other. Methods of interrogation, torture, and executions took place at the S-21 prison (known today as Toul Sleng Genocide Museum).
As the site Choeung Ek (now Known as Choeung Ek Genocidal Center) was designated as a site for mass executions. More than 20,000 prisoners from S-21 and other sites were executed at Choeung Ek.